
Tips To Make Your Transformation Feel Easy

Getting a routine that’s going to simplify and ease your journey is essential for achieving and maintaining your new version of you.


This is why we want to give you several of the best tips we have for you to embrace the new you and get the results you’ve always wanted. 


Number One:

Prioritise yourself, your goals and how you want to look and feel. You do need to put your goals first in order to achieve them, make sure you are ready for some sacrifices, don’t look at it like a quick fix, it’s a lifestyle change. Make sure you’re doing this for yourself and take each day as it comes, celebrate the small wins you have. 


Number Two:

Check in with yourself daily, hold yourself accountable, this doesn’t always need to be via the scale, check in with a progress picture, or a journal on how you’re feeling in comparison to the last week. Use it as a reference, you will see the small changes this way which should keep you motivated. 


Number Three:

Focus on daily steps, aim for 10,000 steps per day, if you naturally get this most days, aim for 12,000 and increase if you see fit. Walking is ideal as it is gentle on the body resulting in less risk to injuries. Embrace nature or jump on the treadmill and switch up your walking spots to keep things fresh and less mundane. The app tracks your steps, stay accountable and focus on completing one task at a time.


Number Four:

Incorporate things you enjoy, there's no point trying to stick to a workout routine if you're doing a type of exercise you absolutely hate. Find the things you enjoy and stick to them. Perhaps you hate running, the good news is you don’t have to do it! Find an alternative, try pilates or yoga, lift weights and no these don’t have to be super heavy. Find what keeps you motivated.


Number Five:

Have an event you can’t miss? That’s ok! You can still live your life, it shouldn’t feel like once that social event is over, just get straight back into it. You might notice a small change in your body, that’s just inflammation, don’t quit, just get right back into your routine. You must adapt this mindset with getting back on track, don’t let yourself go over one outing. 


Number Six:

HAVE FUN, pump the music when you have a workout, meet up with friends to get your steps, eat fresh and colourful foods and enjoy the feeling of fuelling your body. Check out our Tammy Fit playlists to get the vibes high. 


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