
The Benefits of Stretching

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Whether your job is on the move or sedentary,  it’s important to take a minute to do a little stretch or exercise, so that your body is able to release any tension. 


Stretching is the best way to open up your body, release tension, and lift your energy so it can be done at any stage of the day whether you prefer to complete in the morning or evening. 


Stretching is a great form of active recovery and can help with elongating, and toning the body. By keeping the muscles flexible, strong and healthy, it reduces the likelihood of injury when working out and maintains good range in motion of the joints.


Without stretching, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you engage the muscles in activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.


To keep it fun we suggest switching up your stretching routine so you are targeting different muscle groups each time. 


Take a deep breath in and out as you complete each movement to incorporate breath work which helps with stress relief and better sleep. 


Our resident Yogi, Paula offers a combination of yoga and functional stretches that can be incorporated into your workout regime or on their own.


We are excited to add to our stretch workouts with Tammy’s favourite stretches available in app now!


Let us know what stretches you want to see next in our Facebook Group


Download the Tammy Fit app, iOS and Android versions available now! All new users, receive a FREE 7 day trial